Gift Cards

Make every occasion special with Ruosh!

Ruosh is your fashion partner in every way, every day. Don’t hold back and gift yourself or a special one another select pair of Ruosh to make all occasions look that much better!


Gift happy beginnings!

Pick from a stylish range of shoes and accessories and gift your loved one a Ruosh as they put their best foot forward at their new job!


Here’s another excuse for a Ruosh!

While buying a pair of Ruosh shoes is justified year-round, this is another excuse to buy that special someone a pair! Shop from a select range of footwear and accessories and gift away with Ruosh!


Terms and Conditions

  • E-Gift card once purchased is non-refundable.
  • E-Gift cards can be redeemed at Ruosh exclusive stores only.
  • E-Gift card cannot be exchanged for cash or credit nor can be exchanged for another gift card.
  • Partial redemption of the E-Gift card is not allowed.
  • If the E-Gift card is lost or stolen, neither will a new E Gift Voucher will be issued nor will the money be reimbursed in any manner.